What is 13377x

13377x is a torrent site provides files and magnetiic links to download files using peer-to-peer sharing data according to 13377x torrentfreak news. According to online survey 2020 13377x.to is most popular torrent website.

What is peer-to-peer Sharing:

13377x torrent sites follow peer-to-peer data sharing to download files. peer to peer sharing means torrent site is third party to share data from one computer to another computer.

That is If one person has a file and they allow to download that file to others then 13377x.to is a place to share it, user can downlooad that data from first person through torrent site.

Then the downloaded person now allowed to download for other, process going on like this.

As per Complaint of Feelgood Entertainment in 2015, All torrent sites are blocked by Google Search Engine in some regions.

Then Torrents sites are developed many mirror sites for original site to access torrent sites where google blocked.


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